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Contestant must be in good physical condition to participate and free from any pre existing medical condition.  Persons with back, neck, knee or joint injury, respiratory problems or who may be pregnant should not participate.  Any prospective participant currently under medical care should consult a physician before participating in this event


The Match: 


It is important to prevent players from being knocked completely off of the mat.  It is also ESPECIALLY important that spotters be on all four sides of the mat to prevent players from falling BACKWARDS- even onto the mat.  Injury can occur when a player falls onto his back.  Always try to break his fall.


Sumo Wrestling  Guidelines:  


Important Safety Information (Do’s and Don’ts)




-    Never allow for unsupervised play

-    Never allow players of significant unequal size to wrestle one another

-    Never allow players to wrestle without proper sumo helmets and mittens.

-    Never allow players to wrestle off the mat

-    Never allow players to wear eyeglasses, earrings, or facial jewelry

-    Never allow players to jump onto another player who is knocked down

-    Never allow players to get a “head of steam” to begin a match.  Always start at face off lines belly-to-belly.

-    Never allow a match to continue if either wrestler is exhausted, overheated, or showing any sign of discomfort- including clausterphobia.

-    Never allow players to grab their opponent

-    Never allow horseplay that is outside of the rules




-    Have at least one spotter per wrestler to keep players inbounds and to prevent awkward falls.  

-    Make sure that players follow the rules

-    Make sure that players are of good physical condition to participate.  For example, do not allow pregnant women or people with known heart conditions or other ailments to Sumo Wrestle.



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