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We Pride ourselves on being the premier manufacturers of the finest Sumo wrestling suit and custom logo floor mat package in the amusement industry


The SumoLady Sumo suits are fun additions to the amusement and stand alone games suitable for any and all events, from birthdays to garden parties, to large scale corporate gatherings. However, all sumo suits are not created equal. Ours are simply brilliant work of strong fun gear. Regardless of the event, comfort, style and ease of dressing and undressing the sumo suit is essential for all users. The SumoLady sumo suit is carefully designed with superior quality and materials to ensure that the complete experience is safe and enjoyable for the user.


The durability and strength of our product and warranties are industry setting and provide stability for the operator and owner alike. We manufacture a range of styles, themes and colors of sumo wrestling suits, as well as offering completely custom made versions for individual clients. We normally have sumo suits available and in stock for sale immediately, Please contact our sales team for your specific needs or volume orders. 

Whether you're looking for a side-splitting activity to liven up a birthday party or a safe way to get by with knocking your boss on his round-side, our sumo suits are just the ticket - order and purchase yours today! SumoLady durable foam sumo wrestling suits provides a splendid way to laugh away an evening with family, friends, or colleagues.

Recommendations:  -Use the SumoLady sumo suits in an indoor area if temperature is greater than 80 degrees.

Countless man hours went into the creative design and functional structure of this authentic sumo hairstyle wrestling safety helmet. The sumo hairstyle design gives a comical stomach-wrenching fun to a very serious Japanese way of life sport unseen in any other manufacturer's products. This traditional and yet functional design helps set the air of amusement fun to level unmatched.


How can you call it a Sumo wrestling match without the official traditional Sumo Hairstyle Helmets? or even the Sumo (Mawashi) Belt?
Custom beef, pork and turkey legs. Have you ever seen a funnier spectacle?

 We have designed and manufacture a wide range of styles, themes and colors of sumo wrestling suits, as well as offering completely custom made versions for individual clients. We look forward to bringing your wrestling theme from idea concept to side=splitting ours of wholesome fun. Please contact our sales team for your specific needs or volume orders.

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